Nutritional challenges for older adults

Nutritional challenges normally happen to older adults because of physiological and social alteration related with aging.

As we grow older, our bodies go through certain changes, even when we do not have any health issues. These changes influence our way of eating and usage of nutrients from our diet. Some older adults may not be conscious about these changes and begin to undergo a decrease in health due to deficiency of nutrients.

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Reasons nutritional requirement change with aging

There are different reasons why nutritional needs changes:

Inactivity: When there is a lack of physical exercise, people become less energetic, metabolism become weak and their need of energy reduces. These can be the reasons why older adults eat less.
Weak capacity to use nutrients: The capacity to absorb and use all nutrients becomes less efficient as you grow older but the need of nutrition actually increases.
Chronic diseases: Another reason which influences nutritional need can be different chronic illness and medications.
Deceased appetite: There is a loss of appetite among older adults which is a reason of limited choices of food and lesser consumption of healthy diet.
Oral issues: Normally aging goes along with different oral health issues that makes swallowing weak which influence food intake.
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Problems caused by nutritional challenges

Nutritional challenges for older adults can cause different health issues that are listed below-

Weak immunity: When your body lacks nutrition, it can lead to weak immunity power that can raise the chances of infections.
Poor wound healing: The chances of infections become high in older adults when any open wound takes more than one week to cure. It can even lead to diabetes.
Weakness of muscles: Muscle weakness and low bone mass may lead to osteoporosis which makes the bone weak and fragile. This can happen due to deficiency of calcium and vitamin D.
Risk of hospitalization: Elders having nutritional problems get various diseases which may increase the chance of hospitalization and sometimes even death.

Monitoring nutrition

The best option to overcome nutritional challenges is to improve the normal habits of eating and drinking. You can always monitor your nutritional health and the risk factors. You can observe the following:

Monitor eating habits: You need to observe the kind and quantity of diet you eat and keep a record of your weight
Keep record of medications: You can keep a track on all medicines, dosages and side effects of the elderly.
Make meal plans: You can make healthy meal plans for the older adults and prepare meals with your family. This will help you to eat healthy food.
Physical activity: Doing regular exercise can increase your appetite and makes bones and muscles strong.
Improving nutrition

Different strategies to assist older adults to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet are listed below.

Healthy diet: Older adults can consume foods which are rich in nutrient such as seasonal fruits and green leafy vegetables, whole grains, fishes which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and so on. You should always try to eat balanced diet.
Spices and herbs: Different herbs and spices improve the taste of foods. Therefore, you can add flavors by adding them in your meals.
Healthy snacks: You need to plan snacks which are healthy and nutritious for the elders like low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
Healthy supplements: You can include nutritional supplemental meals and drinks which are rich in vitamins, calcium, minerals and protein.

It is clear that quality of diet has a great impact on physical and cognitive state, health of bone, eyes, and teeth. It also influences the immune system. It helps to delay the development of diseases related to age among older adults. It is essential to always keep a track on nutrient intake and the pattern of food consumption.

Ayurvedic Breast Enlargement Treatment To Make Bosoms Bigger

Bosoms are one of the most appealing physical features of females. Breasts begin to grow when teenage starts because during this time, female body releases estrogen. Milk ducts increase in size and nipples develop. But it requires lot of efforts to make bosoms bigger after growth period. Small bosoms lower down confidence of a woman. The common causes behind small breasts are genetic disorders, hereditary factors and malnutrition. Many women also experience sagging in bosoms after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Desperate women generally undergo surgeries to increase breast size and shape but these methods are not safe. So, they should opt for ayurvedic breast enlargement treatment instead of relying on surgery.

Things that slow down growth of bosoms:

1. Sugar – Intake of foods containing sugar promote testosterone levels in body which obstruct growth of bosoms.
2. Caffeine – It impairs ability of body of absorbing nutrients from foods and thus causes deficiencies in body which misbalance estrogen production in body.
3. Stress – Excess of cortisol in body affects growth of bosoms as it affects estrogen functions and hence, estrogen is not able to perform action which it is meant to do.
4. Smoking – Chemicals present in cigarettes reduce health benefits of vitamin C in body and thus affect collagen production and tissue growth.
5. Exercising Too Much – Doing heavy exercise to reduce weight also reduces fat cells that form and give shape to breasts.
6. Not Getting Enough Proteins and Good Fats – Lack of protein forbids cellular repair and renewal and collagen production. Good fats like omega-3s fatty acids maintain balance of estrogen which helps in healthy growth of breasts.
7. Regular Alcohol Consumption – Alcohol is diuretic in nature and therefore causes loss of water in body. This slows down growth process of body parts.
8. Not Getting Enough Sleep – Constant loss of sleep not only causes fluctuation in estrogen in body but also makes one tempted towards sugary foods.

Having fuller and firmer breasts creates a sense of vibrancy and wholeness in females. This gives women chance to wear better and fit clothes. This also improves physique of a woman which gives boost to confidence and self-esteem. To get attractive breasts, women can use Big B-36 capsules which provide the best ayurvedic breast enlargement treatment. These supplements help in achieving firmer and fuller breasts which prevent feeling of shame or embarrassment in females. These supplements improve estrogen production and prevent fluctuation in its levels during pregnancy and childbirth also. Shape of bosoms also improves as effective formula of these supplements tightens up loose milk ducts and lobes. This prevents sagging in bosoms naturally.

Big B-36 capsules contain Gambhari, Babool, Padmacharini, Laxmishresth, Patherphool, Triputiphal, Nilkadambika, Nagbla, Kesar, Bhatkataiya, Jalkesar, Bahugranthika, Lajjawanti, Kamal, Kaling and Bar. These herbs provide nutrients which prevent various deficiencies in body and help to make bosoms bigger naturally. These supplements help women in achieving desired breast shape and size in spite of genetic disorders and hereditary problems. Take this ayurvedic breast enlargement treatment for at least 3 to 4 months regularly to get the best results. Include apples, cherries, plums, beets, peppers, cucumbers, barley, rice, wheat, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, fennel seeds, parsley and clover which are rich in estrogen and hence are highly helpful in increasing breast shape and size.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Acidity To Reduce Gas And Indigestion Effectively

Many people suffer through acidity as it is a common problem. This problem generally arises when someone eats highly spicy and oily foods. When one feels burning sensation right after eating meal, it indicates acid reflux problem. This upsets stomach and misbalances digestion process in body. Acidity problem may affect the regular bowel movements also. Irregularities in bowel movements in turn may lead to constipation. Spices make gastric glands to produce more hydrochloric acid which results in formation of gas and this is what causes acid reflux and chest pain. Excess of HCL creates problem in digestion and food particles do not get break down properly. Excess secretion of hydrochloric acid by gastric glands can result in abdominal bloating and stomach ulcers. Bad habits like not drinking enough water, eating heavy meals frequently or giving long gap between two meals, taking beverages and alcohol, etc., are also responsible for acidity problem.

To get rid of mild acidity, consuming a glass of cold milk can help but to get rid of consistent acidity problem, one needs to take proper treatment. One can use Herbozyme capsules which provide the most effective ayurvedic treatment for acidity. These supplements contain nutrients which support healthy digestion and metabolism in body. Nourishment improves condition of gastric glands which produce hydrochloric acid. This promotes breaking down of complex food materials easily into small particles. This also makes absorption of nutrients easy from foods and thus body organs get optimum amount of oxygen and nutrients. Chances of toxic gas formation reduce due to proper digestion of food. Muscles and nerves in stomach and intestines become healthy due to which bowel movements remain regular. Metabolism improves and energy production also increases which prevents weakness and boosts stamina.

This ayurvedic treatment also gives one relief from problems like constipation, indigestion, sour burps, abdominal bloating, etc. These capsules are suitable for people of all ages and give long term health benefits. Following herbs are used in this ayurvedic treatment for acidity:

1. Madhur kshar – This herb contains antacid which gives relief from burning sensation in chest and stomach.
2. Ajwain – This herb has been used from years to treat stomach ache due to acidity. It eases digestion and gives instant relief from stomach pain. It instantly treats flatulence in body.
3. Poudina – It gives relief from nausea, fatigue, sour burps and headache caused due to acid reflux. Quick action of this herb gives fast and effective relief from gas and stomach pain. This herb also soothes muscles and nerves in stomach and intestines. Hence, it is used in this ayurvedic treatment for acidity.
4. Hing – It possesses anti-flatulent, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. This herb can treat stomach problems and can reduce gas and indigestion also. It contains antioxidants which neutralize effects of free radicals and toxins on cells in stomach which produce HCL.
5. Satt poudina – Due to its antiseptic and anti bacterial properties, it is used as a blood cleanser.

Take this ayurvedic treatment for acidity for at least 3 to 4 months to get long lasting relief from gastric problems. Include soy products, unsweetened yogurt and milk, eggs, raw honey, banana, melon and fennel in your diet and drink plenty of water to reduce acid reflux problem.